Saturday, July 29, 2023


Take the Hand of Your Heavenly Father  


Our daughter-in-law recently posted a video of their family hiking along a trail beside a river. It showed several occasions when our two-year-old grandson was facing a rather rocky slope in the path. Each time you could see his dad in the picture with his hand outstretched, offering to provide assistance for the little guy in those precarious places. However, our grandson seemed to pay no attention to that option of grabbing his father’s hand. He resolutely bent down, got his hands on the rocks, and made his ascent or descent along the path without assistance. I couldn’t help but chuckle at his insistent independence.

Let’s never forget that as we travel along our path in life, our Heavenly Father is always holding out His hand for us to take. He is there right beside His children all the way. He doesn’t leave us alone to face the rough spots we encounter. Not only is He there, but He reaches out to offer us His help. Just imagine. The powerful hand that parted the waters of the Red Sea, the hand that healed the sick and raised the dead, the hand that created the universe is reaching out to us. He is offering us guidance from His storehouse of infinite wisdom. He is inviting us to let Him strengthen us with His almighty power. What a great opportunity God gives us to be directed and upheld by His loving, powerful hand.

However, all too often we are like my young grandson, aren’t we? We ignore or shun that outstretched hand. While that tendency may be admirable in a child seeking to spread his wings and assert his independence, it shows a lack of wisdom on our part when we act similarly in relation to our Heavenly Father. While God wants us to grow and become stronger, He never wants us to lose sight of our reliance on Him. He may call on us to face challenges, overcome obstacles, to stand firm when the ground we are on gets slippery, but He doesn’t expect us to do it on our own. He wants us to go through our lives hand-in-hand with Him. We climb our rocks prayerfully, looking to the Lord for the guidance, strength, and ability to go wherever He is leading us. We should never lose sight of His presence and should never let go of His hand.

It reminds me of an occasion recounted in the Bible when King Asa of Judah was facing the rocky path of an attack from another kingdom. Instead of reaching out for God’s hand as he had done on a previous occasion, this time he reached out to the king of Syria for help. His actions resulted in a reprieve from being attacked, but it also led to a rebuke from God. He told Asa that he had missed out on an opportunity for victory and blessing. God declared a truth to Asa that still stands today – “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him” (II Chronicles 16:9).

God wants to show His power on behalf of His children. He is looking for people who will rely on Him rather than on themselves or other means. He wants us to take His hand and let Him show us what great things He can do in our lives. Are we willing to admit our need for help and accept His gracious invitation?

Whatever path you are on today, whether smooth or rocky, level or steep, don’t try to tackle it alone or in your own strength. Don’t miss out on the victory and blessing of taking hold of the hand of God.

Saturday, July 22, 2023


Whom Do You Resemble?  

Recently we spent a few days in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee for the Annual Meeting of our church association, the National Association of Wesleyan Evangelicals (NAWE). While there, we enjoyed some of the area’s attractions with two of our grandchildren. At one such location, there was a machine that utilized some form of facial recognition software to match you up with celebrities with similar features. It was your chance to find out which famous persons you look like. I wasn’t surprised with my top pick because over the years I have had several people suggest such a resemblance. I was a 90% match with late actor, Robin Williams. However, my wife preferred thinking of me more in line with the third choice among my listings – Harrison Ford. At any rate, it can be interesting to explore such comparisons, some which may be flattering and others not so much.

   More important than whom we resemble physically is the question of whom we are similar to when it comes to our character and inner being. On one occasion Jesus declared that some of His fellow-Jews who pridefully boasted about their special connection with Abraham and with God shared less similarities with those admirable figures and were actually more like the devil himself due to their rejection of truth and their persecution of God’s prophets. Needless to say, that comparison didn’t go over well. The Bible also reminds us that we have to guard against simply becoming a reflection of this world, exhibiting its sometimes-ungodly attitudes, actions, and values. We are warned, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2). Instead of allowing the world to squeeze us into its mold, we should be letting God transform us into a different image. What image is that? As followers of Jesus, we should be looking more like Him as time goes by, exhibiting to a greater degree the same qualities He possesses. I don’t know of any more flattering compliment than the assertion that you remind others of Jesus. Is that the case with us?

In order to answer that question, we need to know what that image of Jesus looks like. Unfortunately, we live in a day when many are distorting the true picture of Christ as revealed in scripture. I have long asserted that one of the best descriptions of Christlike qualities, apart from the Gospel accounts of His life, is what the scripture refers to as “the fruit of the Spirit” in Galatians 5:22-23 – love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Doesn’t that sound like Jesus? In contrast, the previous verses describe the works of the flesh, which include various forms of sexual immorality, uncleanness, selfishness, angry outbursts, hatred, and overindulgence. Which of those lists better describes us?

No doubt, all of us could be a better reflection of Jesus than what we are. Nevertheless, His basic qualities ought to be present in our lives if we are trusting Him as our Savior and have His Spirit residing within us. Notice that those preferred qualities are “the fruit of the Spirit” – they come from our having the Holy Spirit living in us and working in us to transform us more into the image of God’s Son. The more we yield ourselves to the work of the Spirit as He molds us and purifies us, the more we will look like Jesus.  

Do people see more of the devil, this world, or Jesus in us? Whom do we really look like? We may not be able to alter certain aspects of our physical appearance, but we can let the Lord change our character. Let’s cooperate with His efforts to make us more like Jesus.

Saturday, July 15, 2023


Watch Out for the Snake in the Garden  

I heard about a recent incident involving someone I have become acquainted with who lives in far north Georgia. She and her husband were out in their garden picking some vegetables while their dog ventured out in front of them. Suddenly the dog yelped in pain. They realized he was injured and spied the copperhead that had just bitten him. Thankfully, they were able to rush their beloved pet to a vet where he received the needed treatment that spared his life. This acquaintance noted that on that day she had been trapsing through the garden barefooted, which was not unusual for her to do. After this reminder of potential dangers lurking in the area, she vowed to change that risky practice.

Likewise, we shouldn’t ever lose sight of the fact that there is a snake in our garden too. This was true even within the confines of the paradise God created for Adam and Eve. In the midst of all the wonderful trees that were pleasant to look at and to eat – in the midst of an idyllic garden where there was no sin, pain, suffering, or death – in the midst of an existence where man had close, personal fellowship with God, there was still a snake. This creature was described as crafty and cunning. Elsewhere in the scriptures, it is identified with Satan. It struck mankind with a deadly bite that has severely altered our existence ever since.

     There is still a snake in our garden today. We dare not forget about his existence. Sometimes it is easy to remember that Satan is around, as we face difficulties, temptations, and hostilities because of our faith. However, other times we can allow the beauty of the world and the good things in life to cause the picture of the snake to fade out of our consciousness. We are enjoying the flowers and the fruit of our garden, maybe even reaping a harvest in the fields in which we have been laboring for the Lord. In those pleasant times, we can grow careless about the presence of our soul’s enemy and not be as watchful as we should be.

The Lord has given us sufficient protection against the snake who is lurking around us. He has provided us with what the Bible pictures as spiritual armor to withstand his attacks. “Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” (Ephesians 6:13-17). However, sometimes we may foolishly choose to go barefooted, not to wear those pieces of protective clothing that are available to us. Maybe we just forget to put them on. As we do, we open ourselves up to danger.

 We can be thankful for the peaceful times in our lives when we can stroll along enjoying the beauty of life and the presence of God. We can rejoice in the good fruit God allows us to reap. Nevertheless, let’s not let down our guard. Sometimes it is when everything is going smoothly or at the height of some victorious moment in our lives that the enemy shows up. Stay alert. Keep your armor on. The snake is always around, but God can protect us from being harmed by him. Enjoy your garden, but be wary of the snake.  

Saturday, July 8, 2023


Let’s Pray for Discernment  

My wife and I have been watching in chronological order episodes of the old TV series, Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman. As the show entered another season, a new character was introduced – a banker who had moved to the old western town of Colorado Springs from Boston. As soon as he stepped off the stagecoach, I thought he looked familiar to me and I thought I knew why. So immediately I did what we do these days - I “googled” it and discovered I was correct. It was the same actor who had shown up in previous episodes portraying General George Custer, a historical figure cast as more of a villain in this series. They had simply cut his long locks of golden hair, given him a shave, and put him in a business suit. Maybe they thought if they would clean him up, alter his appearance, and change his name, few people would notice he was the same person. Interestingly enough, this new character was about as unscrupulous as the other one this actor had portrayed.

 Sometimes it isn’t hard to discern the truth or reality. Do you really think simply putting a pair of glasses on Superman would cause people not to recognize him as Clark Kent? However, other times people and issues are given such a makeover that it can be difficult to see the reality behind the façade. In our day in particular, we need to be discerning. It is very important that we seek to be able to tell the difference between truth and reality, between right and wrong, between good and evil. We live in a world in which some are trying to disguise the true character of the possessors of those qualities, and they have the technology and skill to be able to do a very convincing job of it.

The Bible refers to a spiritual gift of discernment God gives to some people. However, this quality isn’t reserved for a choice few who have been blessed with a greater degree of it. We all need to seek to cultivate discernment in our lives. We need to seek the wisdom to be able to see beyond the surface appearances of individuals and issues in our day. We need to be able to recognize falsehood, evil, and immorality no matter how it gets dressed up. Likewise, we need to be able to see the good, even when our society tries to mischaracterize it.

How do we become more discerning? Pray. Ask God for such wisdom. Then listen to what He tells you and how the Holy Spirit guides you. Additionally, spend more time in God’s Word. Learn more about what it says is right, true, and good, then you will be better able to recognize the counterfeit when it shows up. Also, don’t simply go by what our society or what the majority says. The Bible warns us that many will be deceived by false teachings and ideas. Be willing to be part of the minority or even the lone voice to stand up for what is right and true. Finally, don’t just go by what feels good or how things look on the surface. Feelings alone can steer us off course. And those who seek to deceive us know how to manipulate our emotions. Be willing to take the time and effort to dig deeper, to look below the surface, and to search out the true character of the person or the realities of the issue.

Our world is trying to cover up sin with misguided notions of love and tolerance. At the same time it is attempting to throw mud on and portray as evil that which is good and godly. Don’t be fooled. Don’t just judge by outward appearances or unreliable feelings. Be discerning.    

Saturday, July 1, 2023


Our Nation Is in Danger of Imploding  

Many of us followed with great interest and concern the recent saga of the missing submersible in the deep waters around the site of the sunken Titanic. There were hopes and prayers for a good outcome for the crew members onboard that vessel. As time progressed, it began to look more and more like it would take a miracle for such an ending to occur. We didn’t find out until later that the tragic fate of the passengers had already taken place as the submersible had apparently imploded days before when contact with it was first lost.

As I understand it, when something implodes it collapses inwardly. One definition I read put it this way: “to break down or fall apart from within.” Unfortunately, that concept seems to describe what is happening to our nation. It actually isn’t confined to our country. The same could be said about much of the world in which we live today. However, as we approach another Fourth of July, we especially focus on the status of our own nation, both the positive blessings and the negative faults. And as we examine and evaluate where we are and where we are heading, it does appear that we are in danger of imploding.

There may be enemies around us who would like to destroy us if they could. We certainly need to be cautious of them. However, the greater danger lies within us. If we fall, I don’t believe it will primarily be due to some powerful force from without but rather as the result of our own failures from within. I will leave it to others to discuss the economic and political factors in such an implosion. I believe the root causes can be traced to spiritual and moral factors. The choices we make individually and as a society in relation to God affect all areas of our lives, including the economy and our political system.

When the nation of Israel fell at times as recorded in the Old Testament, the Bible makes it clear that it wasn’t mainly because the Assyrians or Babylonians were so powerful. It was because the people of Israel had forsaken God and had not abided by His Word. We are guilty of similar actions in our day. And it isn’t just an ungodly society that is doing it. Many who claim to be Christians are aiding our demise. We are choosing our ideas over the clear teaching of God’s Word. We are pridefully insisting on having our way instead of humbly submitting ourselves to going God’s way. We say we love the Lord, but exhibit a deeper affection for the things of this world. As we empty ourselves of God, we are creating a vacuum that is going to result in an inward collapse.

The spirit of the last days as described in the Bible are becoming more evident in our society today. Read what it says and see if it doesn’t aptly picture our times. “But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power” (II Timothy 3:1-5).  

There are other passages of scripture that describe a society that is imploding due to its spiritual failings. If we continue on this pathway, either we are going to end up destroying ourselves or it will culminate in Jesus’ return. We need to change direction before it’s too late. Or to put it in biblical terms, we need to repent and submit to God.

  Seek to Be More like Jesus   One of our daughters and her family recently came over to our house one evening for a visit. We played a ...