Saturday, June 24, 2023


Keep in Mind That God is the Almighty  

There was no time lapse between this particular flash of lightning and the booming clap of thunder, signifying that we were in the center of a recent storm. The sudden surge of electricity blew out two light bulbs in my home office. I soon discovered that our landline phone was out of order, while our internet service would end up coming and going over the next few days until a technician arrived. When this incident first occurred, I was afraid the lightning had struck our house. Thankfully, I was wrong. However, two trees in our front yard bear the scars from where the bolt of electricity ripped away a line of bark down their trunks.

This was just another reminder of how powerful nature can be. It has a way of humbling us when it shows how it can take away in a moment so many of our modern conveniences, the technology we depend on, and other material possessions. The same creation that results in our serenely enjoying a colorful sunset or marveling at a beautiful butterfly can also terrify us with its hurricanes, tornados, and storms.

If nature is so powerful, the One who created it must be even more so. There is a reason He is referred to as the Almighty. In last week’s article we were reminded that God is a loving Father. However, that doesn’t take away from the truth that He is still a fearsome God. He loves us, but He isn’t a tame kitty cat for us to play with. He isn’t the kindly grandfather we can wrap around our little fingers or otherwise manipulate in order to get our way. He isn’t a doormat for us to walk over when His ways and truths don’t line up with our views or lifestyles. This is the awesome God who manifested Himself with thunderings and lightnings as He met with Moses on Mount Sinai to give him the Ten Commandments. And for those who erroneously try to suggest God is different in the New Testament – this is the God who struck dead Ananias and Sapphira for their lying deception (see Acts 5:1-11).

While the Bible exhorts us to love God with all our hearts, it also tells us to “fear” Him. It even suggests that such fear is the starting point of real knowledge and wisdom. It isn’t advocating that we be terrified of God. However, it is saying that we should respect God for who He is and for His great power. While we can draw close to Him as our Father, we need to keep in mind that He is the Almighty Creator of the universe. When He declares truth, it carries more weight than my opinion or society’s viewpoint. We dare not try to soften His words or explain away His clear teaching in order to get it to fit in with how we think things ought to be. We don’t try to conform this powerful God to our finite ideas. No, when we encounter His truth, we had better humble ourselves before Him, seek His forgiveness when needed, and change our views and behaviors in order to get them in harmony with His word and His will.

In our day the love of God is often emphasized, as it should be. However, too many are guilty of ignoring this equally important fearsome aspect of God. You don’t want to defy the Almighty any more than you would want to get struck by a bolt of lightning. He loves us, but He is greater than we are. His word is the truth. His ways are best. His plans and purposes will be accomplished. I suggest you not rebel against Him, contradict Him, or try to stand in His way.

Monday, June 19, 2023


Keep in Mind That God is a Loving Father  

One morning I spied what I refer to as “the neighborhood cat” strolling across our front yard. I gave it that title because I am not sure if it really belongs to anyone in particular. It doesn’t seem to allow any human beings to get too close to it or touch it. I am aware of at least one neighbor who puts out food for the cat. So it is not unusual to see this feline resident wandering around. However, this morning something unusual got my attention. The cat appeared to have something in its mouth. I had previously seen it stalking birds. Had it caught one? Or did it capture a chipmunk or some other creature in our yard?

After watching this scene from my window for a few moments, something didn’t seem to fit the circumstances I had envisioned. Whatever the cat had in its possession, it wasn’t treating it like its morning breakfast. Finally, I stepped outside to get a closer look. To my surprise I found the cat’s companion to be a cute kitten. I wasn’t witnessing the harsh reality in nature of one creature killing another for food but rather the tender phenomenon of a parent tending its offspring.

  Sometimes our view of God can get similarly skewed, especially when we have experienced difficult or tragic circumstances in our lives. There are some who imagine God being like a cat toying with its captured prey. I have witnessed such incidents where the predator releases its prey momentarily before pouncing on it again. The cat seems to be amused as long as the creature keeps stirring and making an effort to escape. In the meantime, it is slowly clawing and injuring its victim until finally death mercifully arrives. Is God such a powerful being who is simply toying with us? Does He take pleasure in our sufferings, struggles, and attempts to endure life’s hardships? Or is He just some ferocious predator who is anxious to pour out His wrath on us and destroy us?

While there are some who have developed some degree of such a harsh picture of our Creator, we need to keep in mind that above all else, God has revealed Himself to be like a parent to us. Yes, He is powerful. Yes, He is a holy God who condemns sin and can pour out His righteous wrath on the ungodly. However, His primary aim is not to amuse Himself with us or to wipe us out. He loves us. We are His creation. And as human beings made in His image, we are His special and unique creation. Out of love for us, He has provided a way for us to be even more than His prized creation, but to actually become His children. Through faith in Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross for our sins, we can be adopted into God’s family. We can come to know God in a very personal way as our Heavenly Father.

Yes, the trials of life may make it seem like God is grabbing us around the neck at times. However, He isn’t trying to strangle us. He is carrying us by the nape of our necks in order to protect us from harm or to guide us into a better situation. He may discipline us, as a parent does a child, but for our good. Our Father hasn’t forsaken us. He is still working things out for what is best for those who love Him.

Don’t let the harshness of life cause you to lose sight of the loving, tender nature of your Heavenly Father. A holy God isn’t trying to eat you alive. A loving Father is trying to draw you to Himself, help you, protect you, and guide you.       

Saturday, June 10, 2023


Be Assured of a Heavenly Home  

Last weekend I attended the funeral of a godly woman who had been suffering with Alzheimer’s disease for quite a while. As some of us have witnessed in other people’s lives, this terrible malady had taken its toll on this lady and her family throughout its slow, long progression. Her husband shared with me that due to her failing condition he had seen nothing but pain and anxiety on the face of his dear wife over these past couple of years. However, as she neared the end of her earthly struggle and was taking her last breaths, a smile came across her face. Was she seeing her Savior ready to welcome her to her heavenly home? Was she getting a glimpse into the wonderful existence that awaits all those who have put their trust in Jesus and the salvation He has provided for us through His death and resurrection? I don’t know what she may have been witnessing in that moment, but her smile was certainly a gift of comfort and encouragement to her husband who had accompanied her through the adversity of these last miles of her earthly journey.

Her experience reminds me of Stephen’s situation as he faced being the first Christian martyr. As he was being wrongfully attacked for his faith, he was allowed to gaze into heaven and see the glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand of His Father. As he was subsequently being stoned to death, he called on the Lord to receive His spirit, he prayed for those who were perpetrating this act to be forgiven, and then he peacefully left this life in such a way that the scripture describes it as “he fell asleep” (see Acts 7:54-60).

We don’t know how we are going to exit this life, whether during a calm night’s rest with a smile on our face or in the suddenness of a horrific accident or in the agony of a painful struggle with some disease. Not everyone’s life ends on a positive note or in a peaceful manner, not even those who have a steadfast faith in Jesus. However, whether this life draws to a close with a smile or a grimace, we can be assured of what is awaiting us as we take this inevitable turn in the road. We can know that we are about to enter the presence of our God and Savior. We can be comforted with the truth that we will be reunited with others who have gone before us who shared our faith in Christ. We can look forward to entering a glorious new world that will be free of the pain, suffering, and struggles of this life.

We don’t have to rely on the smile on the face of a dying saint as evidence of such a reality, although it does encourage us in our faith. Neither should we place too much emphasis on the near-death experiences of those who have reported what they saw as they had their close encounters with the end of life. Certainly they give credence to the truth of life after death, but they are not where our faith rests. We have God’s Word we can rely on. We have the resurrection of Christ we can point to. We have the witness of the Holy Spirit in our own hearts as to the future of those who know Christ. We walk by faith, not by sight. Nevertheless, isn’t it nice when the smile on the face of a dying believer reassures us of the truth we already know? Someone is waiting for us. Something better is ahead. If we know the Lord, that should put a smile on all our faces.    

Saturday, June 3, 2023


Be Willing to Engage in the Battle  

The main activity at the recent birthday party of one of my grandsons involved several Nerf gun battles. You are probably familiar with this brand of soft foam toys, including these weapons that shoot out harmless, spongey ammunition. After a couple of contests of “capture the flag”, the young participants engaged in a “free for all” battle. We adult observers noticed a couple of kids who took up initial positions behind some shrubbery. However, as the other warriors ran around confronting the opposition and firing their weapons, those two simply stayed in their secluded hideaway. They weren’t hiding out waiting to launch a surprise attack. As time went by, they appeared to be content purely to survive the battle without ever getting directly involved or engaging the enemy. After about twenty minutes, their parents finally prodded them to leave their sanctuary and join the action.

It reminds me of a tendency we may have as we face opposition, challenges, and battles as followers of Jesus in this world. The Bible reminds us that there is a real sense in which believers are involved in warfare during our time on this earth. We have a spiritual enemy who desires to destroy us. There are also individuals, groups, and organizations who are hostile toward those who adhere to the truths and values revealed in God’s Word. Jesus told His disciples that they should expect to encounter mocking, betrayal, and persecution in the world. We aren’t just paranoid. There really are those around who are malevolent toward faithful followers of Christ. And some of them mean business. They don’t use Nerf ammunition. Their attacks can be painful and even deadly. In light of that reality, we may be tempted at times simply to find our place of refuge and hide out there until the storms blow over. If opposition surfaces, we merely attempt to avoid it. The concept of survival is adopted as our main goal. We hope just to “lay low” until we reach our heavenly destination.

There is certainly a time and place for the tactics of avoidance and defense in the face of such opposition. There may be occasions when we need to take refuge. There are situations in which we may simply need to seek to remain standing as the war rages around us. However, that doesn’t mean we choose to isolate ourselves and refuse to get involved in the conflict that is going on. We may need to actively defend ourselves and what we believe. We may need to stand up and fight for what is right, true, and good. And our involvement may not be confined to simply withstanding enemy attacks. There are times when we need to go on the offensive as well. We should be seeking to take ground away from the enemy and to help misguided souls on the wrong team find their way to God’s side.  

    Additionally, let’s keep in mind that the weapons we use in these contests aren’t always the same ones this world uses. There may be times when we battle by preaching truth, exposing lies, and putting forth our persuasive arguments. However, sometimes our most potent ammunition involves prayer, showing God’s love to others, helping them in a time of need, and exhibiting a spirit of forgiveness and kindness – even toward those who would consider themselves our enemies. We need to step out of our secluded sanctuaries not just to shoot sharp, pricking words and actions at our adversaries, but to overcome through love, mercy, grace, gentleness, and goodness.

There are spiritual conflicts taking place today. Don’t hide from the battle. Get involved as a good soldier of Christ.  

  Seek to Be More like Jesus   One of our daughters and her family recently came over to our house one evening for a visit. We played a ...